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children who have an older brother take longer to learn to speak, as has been shown by a team of French researchers, led by the National Center for Scientific Research of France, in a study published in the journal “Psychological Science”.

however, and according to the work in which they have been involved more than 1,000 children between the ages of zero to five years, this does not occur in those who have an older sister, who have a development identical children who have no brothers.

researchers have reached this conclusion after evaluating for several years the language skills of children at 2, 3 and 5 years through tests related to vocabulary, syntax, and verbal reasoning.

In this way, the experts found that the children who had an older brother had a delay on average of two months in language development, compared to children with an older sister or who had no brothers.

The scientists propose two hypotheses that may explain this result. The first is that the older sisters, to be more willing to talk with their younger brothers that the brothers, can compensate for their parents to be less available. Another hypothesis would be that the older sisters compete unless the older siblings for parents ‘ attention.

Although this study cannot separate these two hypotheses, it shows that the early development of the language a younger brother tends to be slower when the eldest is a boy. For his next project, the scientists want to examine the impact of culture (specifically the geographical origin) in these results.

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