China’s mixed double table tennis team apologized between tears on public television of his country for having won the silver medal.
“Sorry much, I think the whole Chinese team can not accept this result,” said Player Xu Xin, leaning in front of the camera to ask for forgiveness.

His companion Liu Shiwen could not contain the tears.
“I feel like I have failed the team,” she let go trying to achieve the indulgence of her compatriots.
It did not help because the defeat in the final had been against Japan, with whom China shares a turbulent story.
“You have failed all the nation,” said one of the thousands of critical comments published in Weibo, the Chinese Twitter.

Another forgiveness much more vehement had to ask Li Junhui and Liu Yuchen for losing Badminton’s male doubles end to Taiwan, the island with a young democracy that China considers one more of its provinces.

In the Olympic Games, it participates with the name of Chinese Taipei.
Chinese social networks burned against their players by defeat when one of the Taiwanese gold medalists, Wang Chi-Lin, wrote on Facebook “I am from Taiwan” a few hours after listening on the podium Chinese anthem.

At least, in table tennis and Badminton had won the silver medal.
Imagine for what had to pass the Wang Luyao shooter after staying out of the 10-meter air rifle female final being one of the favorites.

There were many insults he received in Weibo.
So much that Beijing’s Vituperian machinery, used to using its digital soldiers to erase the criticism of the regime, this time used its censorship powers to eliminate many of the comments that attacked the athlete and sanctioning 33 users without being able to publish in
The social network for 180 days.

China sent Tokyo to the largest delegation in history, represented by 413 athletes.
All of them landed after listening to the message of Gou Zhongwen, president of the Chinese Olympic Committee: “We must guarantee firmly that we will win the gold medal first.”

It is not bad in this final stretch of the games.
At the close of this report, China had won 32 gold, surpassing those achieved in Rio 2016 (26) when many finals are still missing by playing.

In the Official Medaletero, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the Asian Giant appears the first because the Agency orders the classification by preferably preferably the gold medals.

All countries reproduce this criterion, except for the United States.
Large media such as the New York Times or the NBC chain, place your country at the head of the table because it is the one that has more metals (79), without giving more importance to those of gold than to silver or bronze.
Many criticisms have received for that criterion.
Not only from China.
The US Chain Fox Sports published an article describing “The strange way in which the United States is manipulating the Tokyo Medal.”

China continues to add new gold medals every day and hope to beat their record of 48 in Beijing 2008.

In cycling on female track, the couple Bao Shanju and Zhong Tianshi broke the world record ending at 31,895 seconds.
On the podium, both athletes picked up their gold with a pin from the communist leader Mao Zedong.
The IOC communicated after I had initiated an investigation because “Rule 50 of the Olympic Charter that prohibits the political statements on the podium in the Tokyo Games and in the next Winter Games of Beijing 2022”.

Chinese athletes have won the gold medal in all the halterophilic categories.
In gymnastics, Zou Jingyuan won the end of parallel bars, Liu Yang Rings Test, Zhu Xueying in Gymnastics in Trampoline and Guan Chenchen Balance Balance, where Simone Biles took the bronze.
In swimming, Wang Shun defeated in 200 meters styles, ending with 17 years of American dominance.
Zhang Yufei, in the male category, the 200 meters butterfly.
You have to add a gold in rowing, in sailing, in fencing, four in Olympic shot …

To understand the Gold Machine in which the second world power has become, you have to look at a state that recruits thousands of children every year to receive full-time training in more than 2,000 sports schools administered by the Government.

As a report of the New York Times explains, to maximize the golden harvest, Beijing has focused on less outstanding sports that offer multiple medal options and that do not have sufficient funds in the West.
Almost 75% of Olympic gold earned by China since 1984 is concentrated in six sports: table tennis, shot, nailed, badminton, gymnastics and halterophilia.

Many of these specialties are found in Schools such as Shichahai from Beijing, one of the largest high-performance centers of young athletes who arrive there being children to crush.
In China they call this place the “cradle of the champions”.

It is located in the center of Beijing, in the midst of bustling restaurants and imperial residences full of tourists.
When Beijing was named the hostess of the 2008 Olympic Games, the Government of the Chinese Communist Party put a lot of money to enhance centers such as Shichahai with the intention of creating authentic single-sport machines competing with American athletes.
An investment that, it is just enough to look at Tokyo’s medal, is working on them.