The police are investigating a second meeting of all participants in Aggression to Samuel Luiz on July 3 in La Coruña.
The world said that the main involved kept a first meeting in an area near where the crime occurred, just an hour and a half after the facts.
In this first meeting they were the main involved.
And in it they spoke of what had happened without showing any repentance.

At the second meeting, which occurs a few days after the facts, all those involved are already.
The sources consulted point out that they could be eight those who were there.
In that meeting, they analyzed what the messages they had crossed after killing Samuel and agreed to destroy them, as explained by these sources.

In this meeting, among others, there were Diego and Alejandro Jumba, the two main involved.
Next to them Katia, a couple of one of them, who was also arrested although now is in freedom, and the minor, pompo, to which the author of the Samuel’s mobile robbery is considered.

The appointment was summoned to exchange impressions and during the same participants agreed to keep silence if they were interrogated, they point out these same sources.

The young detainee, according to these sources, is granddaughter of a drug trafficker known by the Carballo Zone Police.
She is the only one who would have some kind of relationship with the delinquency world.

Guadalupe Iglesias Jiménez, Alias ‘La Tula’, was sentenced to prison sentences for drug trafficking crimes.
She was arrested by the police in November 2007 at the place Carcalés de A Hill (Ardaña).
In the operation, the agents were seized from half a kilo of illegal substances (cocaine and heroin, fundamentally), several firearms and various stolen jewels.

Those involved have all kinds of condition: There are unemployed, workers and students.
And no one has antecedents.
“There was no data that would suspect violent behavior that will lead to an act as Samuel’s crime.”
The detainees and the rest of the suspects were all known, “were friends”, but they were not part of any criminal structure or a band.

On the other hand, the holder of the 8th Instruction Court of La Coruña has issued a car in which it decrees that the procedure for Samuel’s crime is followed by the organic law of the Jury Court.

This is informed by the Superior Court of Justice of Galicia (TSXG), which explains that this decision is adopted due to the type of crime that is imputed to those investigated, “homicide or murder, to determine throughout the instruction,” according to
Precise the high court.

Thursday, the four investigated four people have been cited, as well as the parties in the case, to attend an appearance “in which the imputation will be specified, as required by article 25 of the Organic Law of the Court of the

It is about three men and a woman.
In the case of the former, the police confirmed that DNA tests, practiced in the victim’s body, on their clothes and in a bottle found, “they directly involve” in crime.