Your number is five.
Five are the members of the Martínez Moreno family.
And five, the intertwined rings that have promised to tattoo if they reach the dream of making a full blessed for a few blessed with a genetics and privileged qualities: that they all participate in Olympic Games.

At the moment, Chema Martínez, the Father, and Nuria Moreno, the mother, already got it.
And Paula, Nico and Daniela, the children, enjoy a contagious enthusiasm of a road, the sport, that so many joys have given them to their parents, starting by the one that marked the beginning of its history in common.
“I met Chema at the residence of La Blume (Madrid), he was fifth from INEF, I started.”
“He touched me to make her novelties,” Martínez said, “he had it a file!”.

Olympic in Sydney 2000 with the grass hockey team, Nuria recognizes that sport played a crucial role during his adolescence: “It was a very healthy atmosphere that helped me focus.”

In his experience, sports practice not only does not steal the study time, but it makes it profitable.
“I am a Physical Education Professor at GSD School Las Rozas and, every time a father comes to me saying that he is going to punish his son for bad notes taking away the sport, I advise not to do it. Not only because it helps manage
The best time, but because, in addition, it is a precious moment in which the mind is disconnected and then resumed academic activity with more concentration. ”

With the look at the Tokyo, Nuria Moreno recalls her participation in Sydney games as one of the happiest moments of her life.
“I was 25 years old and everything seemed amazing, we lived in a kind of prefabricated apartments, the dining room was giant and there were everything, you came there with your tray and sat next to a tennis player or an American sprue”.

Chema stayed out of the appointment in Australia.
“We had considered marrying there, it was a turning point, but athletes are also made to overcome bad times.”

After a participation in Athens 2004 from which he does not keep a special memory, Beijing 2008 gave him the opportunity to experience the magic of the games in full.
“In addition to competing at a good level, I had the opportunity to participate in the parade and I lived in the villa with other athletes such as Nadal, Gasol or Robredo,” the athlete recalls.

Chema and Nuria do not hide your pride by seeing your children enjoy doing sports.
“Paula, who has just finished the 1st of Baccalaureate, is a swimmer, specialist in Back and Butterfly, and has several offers from universities in the United States to go to study there. The median, Nico, did the last 3th course of ESO and does
Athletics (specialties: pole and 600 meters). Daniela, who will start 6th primary in September, practice swimming and athletics. We have superclaro who love sports and do it because it is what they have seen at home. They are aware of the sacrifice, the work
And the struggle that entails but contemplates it with a tremendous naturalness. If someday they are classified for some JJOO, phenomenal but right now we do not think about that, we do not want them to feel any obligation. ”

They, who after leaving high competition had to re-refocus their professional lives, also highlight the importance of good training.
“When the professional sport ends, there is an even more important race that is that of life and, if you are not well prepared, struggles in inferiority of conditions.”

As Chema Martínez relates in his new book, ‘Re-evolution: Learn to advance in the career of life’ (Harper Collins), “That same delivery, tenacity and illusion to reach our goals that we had in the JJOO, the
We have moved to all facets of our life. ”

Because “striving to be every day is better is one of the great learning that sports has given us and is undoubtedly one of the legacies we want to transmit to our three children,” conclude.