Even during holidays, women tend to do more chores at home than their spouses. A FIFG study that was published Thursday shows this. As holidays are often associated with relaxation, rest and beach, they also need storage and organization. Summer 2022 saw 66% of women say they organize more vacations and trips than their spouses. 43% believe they do more. Only 34% of men, however, believe they do more than their spouse.

The FIFG stated that the study showed a clear consistency in the unjust distribution of parental or domestic tasks to the disadvantage of women even though their spouses should be more available during this period of year associated with relaxation and rest.

The majority of holiday preparations are initiated by women (56% vs 31% for men). The selection of accommodations (48% of women say they care for them, 26% of men say they do) and the planning of the destination or organization of the trip (37% versus 26% for men) are all driven by women. For the purchase of tickets, the distribution is more even: 50% of women claim they are the source while 44% of men say they are.

The majority of men who drive the vehicle are on holiday routes. This task is performed by 58% of men, while it is only 18% for women.

There is no respite for women at their vacation spot. They take care of the majority of the vacation management tasks. 49% of women believe they keep the holiday budget under control (33% of men), 54% prepare meals for the holidays (24% men) and 53% clean and maintain the resort.

Only 15% of men indicate that they take care of cleaning and general maintenance of holiday places, while 17% choose leisure activities (34% for women), and 19% choose restoration sites (28 % for women).

This domestic inequality is not diminished by the presence of children. The parental duties are again primarily performed by the women when the holidays are spent with their family and with their children. Are you thinking about packing your bags? In 78% of cases, it is the mother who has to take care of it (in 10% the father). Purchase clothes that are suitable for holiday use. 79% of mothers care for it, compared to 17% of fathers. Before you go to the beach, think about sunscreen. Are there bandages for injuries? 86% of women agree, while 20% of men say the same.

Tensions can result from the uneven distribution of holiday tasks. 47% of women and 38% respectively say that they have argued with their partners during holiday preparations.

We find the following reasons for disputes: His spouse doesn’t take part in organizing the trip, he doesn’t know how to do it, or he spends more money than he planned. .