Congress The Government and its allies agree on a commission to investigate corruption in the Civil Guard barracks

ERC and Bildu have agreed with the Government to propose the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate cases of corruption in the works carried out in dozens of Civil Guard barracks, known as a consequence of the judicial investigations carried out in connection with the so-called case Mediator.

The two allies of the Executive plan to register this request this week with the intention that the commission be constituted and begin its work before the elections on May 28.

The claim of these two formations is, in addition, that the former socialist deputy Juan Bernardo Fuentes Curbelo, known as Tito Berni, appear before the Democratic Quality Commission of Congress to answer as many questions as he is asked in relation to the Mediator case. However, given that he no longer has a deputy certificate, he would not be obliged to comply with the Chamber’s requirement. In that case, according to sources from the Catalan Republican Party, he would be called to appear before the investigation commission created to delve into the corruption of the Civil Guard barracks, something to which he could not oppose.

With this initiative, the formations that from the beginning have been in favor of investigating the Mediator case in Congress will shelve the proposal put forward by the PP in this regard, considering it “opportunistic.” In its place, they have negotiated with the Executive to create another whose priority objective will be to delve into the so-called Cuarteles case, but in which they do not rule out delving into the derivatives and connections that exist with the Mediator case.

“We believe that all this has to be investigated but looking for a formula that allows us to circumvent the opportunism of the PP. That is why a specific one will be made around the corruption of the Civil Guard and the visible faces of the Mediator case could come,” he explained. the ERC spokesman, Gabriel Rufián.

ERC has also announced its intention to request, within the framework of the Kitchen commission, now reactivated as a commission on Operation Catalonia, the appearance of the former president of the PP, Pablo Casado.

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