“Failed, arbitrary and condemned. He should be resigned and then sit on a commission of investigation.” With these words, the PP deputy Ana Belén Vázquez has confronted the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, in Congress, one day after the Supreme Court ruled that the dismissal of Civil Guard Colonel Diego Pérez de los Cobos was illegal. , and when barely a week has passed since the resignation of the director of the Armed Institute, María Gámez, the executing hand of that dismissal and whom the minister defends for her “decency and democratic neatness.”

Marlaska has maintained in parliament that, despite the Supreme Court ruling, “the objective reasons that determined the loss of confidence” in the former head of the Madrid Civil Guard Command, “to exercise a position of responsibility, remain “.

“The lack of trust remains”, he stressed, before asking the PP deputy if she would trust “people who managed reserved funds without due control” and who “allowed evidence to be destroyed so that the Popular Party could hide their responsibility. “Would you have confidence in that type of person? She insisted, before assuring that” this type of person is the one that this Interior Minister does not have, has not had and will not have confidence in “.

The minister’s words have come to suggest that his decision to dismiss the Civil Guard colonel had reasons that go beyond the investigation he was carrying out, by court order, into the decision to allow the 8-M 2020 demonstration when the Covid was already fully affecting Spain.

Reasons that go into the destruction of evidence and the use of reserved funds to protect the PP from its corruption cases.

The popular ones have accused Marlaska in the plenary session of Congress of being “arbitrary, a tyrant, great with the subordinates and small with the corrupt PSOE.” In this way, the representative of the popular alluded to the resignation of María Gámez after learning that her husband is being investigated for alleged corruption related to the ERE case and that both, in the last ten years, have acquired up to four properties for “a value of 2.5 million euros”.

Deputy Vázquez has demanded from Marlaska the immediate execution of the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Pérez de los Cobos. “And then,” she said, “go away, because you are politically disqualified as Minister of the Interior and morally disqualified from returning to the judicial career.”

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