Who is taking a stroll in the evening through the city, has not the impression that there had ever been such a thing as the Coronavirus, in front of the us, strict rules are supposed to protect. The pubs are full, people coming together happily, their masks hanging, if you ever what to wear, casual, under the chin or on the ear. Meanwhile, in the theatres of strict morals, it is taken at a distance, the actors and the audience lose themselves in the Vastness of the stage and audience spaces. Anyway, the program is extremely reduced to a kind of emergency supply, is actually more than a proof of Existence: It gives us. But what is happening there at the moment, always has something spooky.

not allowed to go in the next time so on. Theatre as an elite institution, this contradicts outright the sense of Urban stages. The otherwise is not true presumption, the performing arts was only for an elite minority, suddenly wins a certain amount of truth content. Only a Chosen few benefit from theatrical experiences, whether in the Opera or in the theatre. There is only the chamber currently offer games for approximately 20 visitors exclusive memories of what theater once was and soon will be.

“The curtain must go up”

According to the currently valid regulations of the state of Hesse could be occupied in the next time in the Big house, however, only 88 out of approximately 700 courses. And in the Opera 250 of almost 1400. At the presentation of the exhibition game plans for the season 2020/21 on Thursday was, indeed, expressed the hope that by the autumn in front of a larger audience to play. But this is not secure. Especially in the face of new serious outbreaks of Covid-19 and General tabs in the view of the Corona rules, which could lead to new restrictions.