The Prime Minister of Hesse, Volker Bouffier, was repeated, as the CDU, SPD, FDP and the greens in November 2010 announced that they had agreed on a Text for a debt brake in the Constitution. The Union politician, it was important that it was he who had led the various camps in this issue, “together”. Bouffiers ability to forge in the great social issues of broad, cross-party alliances, proved successful also in dealing with the Corona pandemic. His poll ratings soared, and the green coalition partner lost to consent.

Then this happened and until then Unimaginable: in the biggest crisis that was exposed in the country, the head of the government, his decades-long pursuit of cross-party Unity. With a change in the law, the coalition government gave the opportunity to the debt brake alone to suspend and billions of credits in a gigantic scale to be incorporated. What may have prompted Bouffier, the gifted applicable tactician, to do this? He was obliged to strengthen the Alliance with the Greens?

The small coalition partner, it may not be right, if the government does not require a chef with the competition well. On the track of the claim of the Union remained in the maneuvers, to be responsible with the taxpayers ‘ money to deal. This has consequences for the question of who could compete one day Bouffiers succession. If the social Democrats have been Finance Minister Michael Boddenberg, more recently, as the “debt king”, you have the next election on the back of the head.