the Director of The American Federal police Agency the FBI has referred to China as the biggest threat to the national security of the United States. In a speech on Tuesday evening in the conservative think tank Hudson Institute in Washington, Christopher Wray: “China said the Communist party of China is in a generational battle to take our country to the economic and technological leadership.” The goal was to make China, with all the means to the only super power. Wray accused the rulers in Beijing to ride this way, without scruples and without respect for international norms and laws dam.

Oliver Kühn

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z. Twitter

The country is trying by all means, critics abroad, particularly a country’s own citizens to silence. The program with the name “Fox hunt” was portrayed as a crackdown on corruption, but “it’s not,” said Wray. The government wants to force people to return to China. Once the authorities have failed to make a goal of these efforts in the United States, and sent an emissary of its Relatives. They would have had to give a message:”return immediately to China, or to kill you,” said Wray. The not be done, will followed the extended family of the actual victim, in China, even arrested.

The Chinese rulers deterred illegal means, so Wray. As Beijing attempts to hack American companies to influence scientists and to steal American inventions. Currently, the FBI opened all ten hours of the espionage investigation that had to do with China. Around half of all the spying allegations, which the authority, it must be followed to Beijing back, so Wray. In the past ten years of economic espionage cases had increased to China by 1300 percent. Currently, the country is to gain information about the progress of American companies in the exploration of a vaccine against the Corona Virus.