In Frankfurt, it is not occurred in the last five years: the American foulbrood, a contagious disease of bees affecting. Now you have been in an apiary in Goldstein noted. The bacterial brood disease spreads quickly and can lead to the death of entire peoples. Therefore, the regulatory Agency is obliged to expel, with immediate effect, a restricted area, the must widely be the bees stand around created.

Mechthild Harting

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z.

it is important that in this restricted area, neither bee colonies may still be bees introduced. Also, the Removing of peoples, regardless of whether they consist of living or dead bees, is not permitted according to the veterinary Department of the public order office. The now designated a restricted area consists of the settlement, Goldstein, parts of the urban forest, and parts of the office city of Niederrad.

The disease endangers neither people nor other living beings. It is even the bees are harmless to the adults. However, they carry the spores of the bacterium, so that the disease can spread and the brood, so the bee larvae in the honeycomb, can also be used in other hives destroyed. The Transfer is even over the honey possible. Also in this Form, the pathogens to humans are harmless. Bees can become infected, but also on the honey. The veterinary authority informs can survive in honey, the spores very well.

the disease is notifiable

in Order to prevent the rapid spread, the appearance of the American foulbrood in Germany and some other countries, a notifiable animal disease. The veterinary authority of the clerk’s office will now take as a result of the disease and the other owners of bee colonies in the restricted area of the samples and see if there are traces of the bacterium can be found. The authority’s ten beekeepers are known. There should be other beekeepers, they will be asked to register as soon as possible in the case of the veterinary authority, in order to prevent further spread of the disease. A specially in the case of the veterinary authority Hotline can be reached at 069/21247099 to.