Britney Spears has been fighting for years to have her father’s guardianship lifted – at the end of 2021 she will finally regain her freedom. But the calm does not last long: the singer will probably have to go to court again against her father.

New details on the legal mud fight between Britney Spears and her father Jamie: The magazine “People” has documents according to which Jamie Spears’ lawyer wants to refute Britney’s statements in court.

Jamie Spears wants to take the singer to court for allegedly defaming him on social media. In November 2021, a court had lifted his guardianship over his daughter, which had previously existed since 2008.

“Britney’s attorney claims that she is relieved of her duty to comment on her allegations of wrongdoing,” Jamie Spears’ attorney Alex Weingarten wrote, according to People. “But Jamie has the right to prepare his case and to interview Britney as she is the one making unsubstantiated allegations against him,” it said.

Weingarten said Britney’s representatives objected to her testimony because it could cover “emotionally difficult issues.” But it is precisely these sensitive points that the singer herself addressed on social media, according to Weingarten’s argument.

Weingarten wants to clarify in court whether Britney Spears is telling the truth in her public statements. There are two possibilities. Either the 40-year-old has “the knowledge of her allegations that she claims to have in the court documents and on social media”. Or she “has no such knowledge or support and just believes she can say whatever she wants in court and on social media, regardless of whether her allegations are true.”

Britney Spears accuses her father of causing her “psychological harm”. “He ruined the very core of my existence,” she wrote via Instagram in May. He forced her to undergo therapy and forbade her to take painkillers. She has since deactivated her account on the platform.