> The image in the Randy Potter -the name of a man holding a piece of art, which the author is alleged Norval Morrisseauta. Potter auction to your numerous similar paintings, but joined by Gary Lamont abuse crimes in any way. Yle

the Accusations hurled are, when the director Jamie Kastner try to make sense of the history of Canada’s biggest art fraud of the alleged incident. What starts to wear to and aggressive even at no–example-for debate, get last year with the completion of the documentary side of the middle of the really dark shades.

There Are No Fakes coming today ae biography is doing & Femiltä. It is also found in the Arena.

fake skein is also associated with this man, Kevin Hearn. He is not only the Barenaked Ladies band member, also an art collector. Hearn paid a real Morrisseauksi believe the actual painting 20 000 Canadian dollars, or about 13 000 eur. Yle

Everything in the middle is the year 2007, the 75-year-old perished Norval Morrisseau. He is perhaps best known canadian indigenous artists and so colorful, drug-saturated life. A good friend Norval will most likely know other forger of art works, but allowed it out of kindness, at least up to a point. There was a counterfeiting ring involved his relatives and friends children, too.

This child, now a 58-year-old Gary Lamont , is currently carrying out a prison sentence, but not art fakes and the drug trade either. He was dishonorably in 2016, five years behind bars for sexual acts coercion. The victims were mainly boys and young men, which Gary and his Linda -the spouse had been harboring him. In the documentary story also tells about one of the women. Linda is a Amanda Dalby aunt.

at This point a word of warning is probably in place. Amanda and forger of the ring’s inner circle since he was a teenager belonged to the Dallas Thompson other services are not easy to hear. Dallas invoice according to Lamont raped her 500-600 times several years, also Gary and Linda in the common home.

– Paintings is a story, Dallas stated guidance.

This fake paintings the story is not only gloomy, too disgusting and full of exploiters, exploited, criminals and victims. Norval Morrisseau will end up on the side. But at least the story revealed in the period of the law to evade can the sexual predator, like a judge in court in Lamont appointed.

There Are No Fakes today, Themed & fem on the clock at 21.45. The document can also be found the Arena.