Galicia intends to extend the ban on the use of mobile phones to all educational centers at all times after the return to school activity after the Christmas holidays.

This was announced by the regional president, Alfonso Rueda, at the press conference following the Xunta Council meeting this Thursday, where a proposal from the Department of Education has received the green light that must now be addressed with the directors of the centers and associations of mothers and fathers.

The intention of the Galician Government is that the use of mobile phones, which since 2015 cannot be used during class hours, is also not allowed during breaks, in the dining room, entrances and exits of the center or extracurricular activities.

As the Galician president has pointed out, the idea is that the measure be applied in all educational centers supported with public funds (whether public or with concerts) from 6 to 18 years old, although Education will study with directives and anpas the possibility that there are exceptions.

Currently, 75% of Galician educational centers prohibit the use of mobile phones for students at all times, according to data provided by the Xunta, which now intends to unify the criteria and make the prohibition general.

And a 2015 decree prevents students from using their mobile phone during classes, but leaves it up to the school and institute directors to allow or not to use it during breaks, lunchtime or other times of the day.

The intention of the Xunta is to apply this rule as soon as possible and that it may already be in force with the return to classes after the Christmas holidays.

Beforehand, the Department of Education will open a dialogue next week with the directors of the centers and the group of mothers and fathers in order to agree on the implementation of a measure included in the new Comprehensive Plan against cyberbullying that received the green light from the Xunta in the last Council of the month of November.

The age range and the possibility of applying certain exceptions will be some of the issues that will be on the table in the meetings between the Autonomous Administration and the Autonomous Xunta de Directors and the representatives of the Anpas.

The objective of the measure is to “promote interpersonal relationships” of the students and “improve coexistence” in the centers, as highlighted by Alfonso Rueda, who recalled that Galicia is one of the four communities in the State with a ban on using mobile phones in schools. classrooms.

Sources from the Department of Education point out that the legal formula by which the norm will be dictated is still being analyzed, which, as Rueda has recognized, entails difficulties in its application. “But the mistake would be to say that since it is not easy to implement, it should not be done,” he added.

In addition, the Xunta has decided to reinforce the “safe” Internet browsing device on laptops that is lent to students participating in the ‘E-Dixgal’ program to carry out tasks at home. In this way, the security system that prevents access to certain content on these computers while they are connected at the center will work in the same way when the student uses it at her home using the home network. In total, 64,200 students from 630 schools and institutes benefit from this e-book loan program.