The United Nations (UN) mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUSCO) announced on Wednesday October 11 that it had taken “strong measures” against peacekeepers suspected of “serious misconduct”.

According to internal MONUSCO documents consulted by Agence France-Presse, eight peacekeepers deployed in Beni, in eastern DRC, were arrested on October 1 and one officer suspended on October 8, as part of a case of alleged sexual exploitation and violence.

The men belong to the South African contingent of the UN force and may be involved in what internal reports describe as a “systematic and widespread violation” of UN rules against sexual exploitation and abuse.

According to a preliminary report, the targeted officer “intimidated and verbally threatened” members of the UN after the arrest of peacekeepers for frequenting brothels, with an attempt to escape, a fight and a chase. pursuit with elements of the UN military police.

“Soweto, Bloemfontein, Cape Town”, “brothels” named after South African towns and “makeshift bars that appeared in front of the Monusco base in Mavivi”, near Beni, “are used for transactional sex”, perhaps we read in one of MONUSCO’s internal documents.

“Behavior that is not worthy of United Nations personnel”

“The Office of Internal Control Services has been contacted and precautionary measures have already been taken in accordance with the zero tolerance policy of the Secretary General of the United Nations,” explained MONUSCO on Wednesday evening in a press release.

The measures taken “include the suspension, detention and confinement of the peacekeepers concerned,” adds the Mission, which says “it strongly condemns such behavior, which is not worthy of United Nations personnel.”

Since May, the Congolese President, Félix Tshisekedi, has called on the countries of the Community of Southern African States (SACD), including South Africa, to deploy in the DRC in support of the Congolese army against the M23 rebellion , which took over large parts of the North Kivu province.

The DRC government is also calling for an “accelerated” departure from December of the UN force, which it accuses, after twenty-five years of presence, of not having succeeded in putting an end to the violence of armed groups.