Peru needs “emergency humanitarian aid” to fight against the ecological disaster caused by the spill of almost one million liters of oil in the pampilla refinery, under repsol control, located on the coasts of Lima and Callao.
This has been noticed by the Organization of American States (OAS), while the Spanish multinational continues the time cleaning tasks on the beaches and the sea affected by the ecological disaster.

In the midst of such a panorama, President Pedro Castillo has changed to those responsible for energy and the environment: they are already six different ministers in the two affected portfolios since one of the greatest ecological disasters in the history of the

While waiting for the decisions of the new Government, today six of the ten days granted to Repsol by the Former Executive are fulfilled to carry out the fuel loading and unloading activities, which avoided the feared national desodation.
The pampilla provides 40% of the national market and also a good part of the fuel employing airlines.

Repsol delivered last week to the Government of a contingency and management plan before the spill.
The worst environmental catastrophe in Lima has spread 105 square kilometers despite the cleaning tasks, which will not end up at sea and on the beaches until the end of February, even above as announced by José Reyes, Security and Environment Manager of
The company: “There is little hydrocarbon for removing and basically accumulated in rocky areas and difficult access”.

Repsol, which calculates 56% of the spill, uses the “most advanced” satellite technology and “artificial intelligence tools” for cleaning tasks.

Despite advances, ecological, economic, social and health damage are incalculable, from thousands of marine mammals, fish and birds affected even the fishermen in the area.
The latest images of the eleven Penguins of Humboldt rescued and transferred to the Legend Park have deepened the awareness of the ecological disaster suffered by Peru.
These have managed to survive, but half of the affected birds have died.

Piqueros, Guayanes and up to 70 species have found shelter in this zoological area, where they have the help of 50 volunteers and the economic contributions of Peruvians moved by environmental tragedy.

For its part, the Ocean Organization Peru has again denounces that three weeks are met without the 1,500 craftsmanship of Ancón and Chancay Hayan Faenado.
“We demand Repsol to give an economic repair to those affected in the middle of summer, one of the most important moments for artisanal fishing,” said Oceana Peru, who has also questioned the tasks of collection of crude oil.

Repsol reported yesterday that it maintains collaboration agreements with more than 2,000 affected fishermen and merchants

The first president and his prime minister, Aníbal Torres, have opted again for detachment from the holders of energy and atmosphere, the latter very questioned.
The leftist Wilber knew not only lacked preparation, but had not even passed the evidence as a deputy advisor.
He has replaced Modesto Montoya, a 72-year-resided scientist, a nuclear energy specialist and president’s advisor since before the elections.

Not so applauded, much less, it is Carlos Palacios, new Holder of Energy and Mines and Radical Leader Radical Vladimir Cerron.
This revolutionary leader has demanded that agreements between Repsol and the Peruvian State be renegotiated.

Palacios was already part of the Regional Government of Junín, chaired by Cerron until it was dismissed for alleged corruption, but the General Comptroller of the State warned that he did not have either studies or experience to assume that position.