The plastic packaging crackling loudly. A Pair of gloves, a hair net, a patch, an elastic bandage, a sterile bandage and a compress for wounds, stuck in the exercise sets for the pressure bandage. “When you are ready, please call. Then I want to pull it,“ says the course Director Dilara Görün. Fast movement comes in the room: Some of the participants put the Material on her lap, the other spread it in front of your feet on the ground. After the rubber gloves are created to unpack the participants in the Association.

But instead of it a exercise partner to create must serve the own leg. The corona-related safety distance also applies to the First-aid course. So all the 15 prospective first-aiders wrap the white bandage around her Shin. “Done”, someone calls. Another Participant moans, she pulled the pressure bandage on the leg very firmly. Görün pulls on a trial basis to it. “Very well,” she says from behind a red mask. “In reality, it needs to be fixed.” After each Association is tested – always with the mask and distance, as well as it goes. Most of the seats tightly enough. It works so well under Corona conditions.

Since the end of may, the order of Malta in Frankfurt First-aid courses for the driving test. In mid-March, and I, after a Mail of the order of Malta Headquarters in Cologne all courses cancellations, recalls Diana Bungert, the Director of the First-aid training. At the time, she was driving Friday night back to work, to the course the next day to cancel. After that, there had been a lot of paperwork, and it was developed a new course concept: In the building there is now a one-way street system. That is, in the class room, it goes out through a door and it is only through another again. Before the practical Exercises, the participants need to wash hands. The safety distance, mouth-nose cover are also duty – the mask should be for the latest on space has declined.

cost of the course almost

“doubles, We are lucky that we are able to offer this great space,” says Bungert. “Is actually divided.” Under normal circumstances, the Maltese judge in two rooms, each 18 to 20 people. Due to Corona, the upper sun limit now, but in the case of 15 participants – for the merged space. This change is reflected in the course of the day: While talking with the participants, running Görün again and again to the red pillar that marked the center of the room. With two remotes to the two projectors. So the students sitting anywhere can keep track of the presentation. In addition, two trainers are in every class. One focuses on the content, the other has reinforced an eye on the compliance with the hygiene regulations. This also has financial consequences: “The cost for the course have almost doubled,” says Bungert.

How to Secretly hand by the handle? How to cover an injured people? How does the recovery position? “You will not be able to practice now because of Corona”, is a phrase that Görün have to say on this day a number of times. Instead, the instructor performs the Exercises on a doll or on themselves. “Now he takes my opposite leg and pushes me,” says Görün as she brings on the floor, even in the stable side position. “And now, very important: head over-stretching and mouth.” The participants to look carefully. Here imagination is in demand. Then it shows the same Exercise again on the other side of the room.

After the end of the course the 15 new must step forward first-aiders and certificate pick up. “It was okay, but the measures on rain easily”, says a Participant at the end of the day. Another can see beyond the strict hygiene measures. “The thing is, that you can’t practice as much,” he says, “but otherwise the during those times it was perfect.” Bungert and Görün have to stay for a while – for the Disinfecting of the room. All the chairs and surfaces with which the participants came into contact. Then you have made it. “Our Motivation is to train as many people as possible in First aid so that we can help out there,” says Diana Bungert. Week in and week out.