The companies of the private sector created 744,200 jobs in 2021, but this has not been enough to compensate for the destruction of jobs that occurred during the pandemic, hence at the end of last year there is still in Spain 4,200 employees less in Spain
The private sector that before the crisis.

In total, the number of employees of the private sector in the country is at 16,709,400 people at the end of 2021, compared to 16,713,600 that had at December 2019, according to the Active Population Survey (EPA) published
For the INE this Thursday.
The total of employees are still far from the record that occurred in Spain in 2007, when there came 17.76 million workers on the private sector.

The same has not happened with the public sector, whose employment has historical record beaten this year and is 6.8% above that existed before the organization of the Covid, with 3,475,500 people employed by the State to day of
Today -fare at 3,254,300 that was in the last quarter of 2019-.

Here, the INE includes all employees of public companies, central administration, social security, autonomous communities and local corporations, both discharged in the general regime of social security as assigned to mutualities.

The number of public employees has grown at 222,200 people since 2019, with an increase, especially pronounced by 2020 due to the needs derived from the pandemic.
In fact, the employment of the public sector grew by 125,800 people in 2020 and at 96,400 in 2021.

That is the reason why the Ministry of Economy has presumed that “the increase in occupation was concentrated in 2021 in the private sector, with the creation of 744,300 jobs, recovering the level prior to the crisis, compared to 96,400 that
They were created in the public sector “, but it is not true that the level of activity has been recovered if only the private sector is viewed.

Overall, public and private employment, the aggregate number of busy does exceed the prior to the pandemic at 218,000 people.

The public employment boom that has occurred in the last two years has been led mainly by the Autonomous Communities (which have incorporated 227,500 people), followed by social security (which has increased the staff at 6,300 people), corporations
Local (+3,600 people) and public companies and institutions (+1,700).
The central administration, on the other hand, counts today with 23,800 salaries less.

Although the public sector has thrown out of employment, it is true that it has been based on temporary contracts.
Of the new public workers, 170,900 are with a temporary contract, while only 51,200 have signed an indefinite contract.
77% of employment created at this time by administrations has been temporary.

“There are currently 1,076,299 workers from our administrations in a situation of temporal, which represents a rate of 30.9%, 11.6 points above the private sector. In addition, it is given the circumstance that 70% of
These temporary contracts correspond to women, which also puts in evidence that precariousness is especially printed on them in very feminized positions, located on the first line in front of the Covid, “has reported on Thursday the CSIF, majority union in the public sector.

In the light of the data, they have claimed the development of Law 20/2021 of urgent measures for the reduction of temporality in public employment to stabilize employment in administration and, especially, education and healing;
and that the calls are strengthened to end precariousness.

The evolution of public employment also denotes the aging of its templates, since in the last two years the age group in which the number of troops has increased is the 60 to 64 years, in which 66,700 people are now framed.
While the 65 to 69 has 19,700 additional workers.

Altogether, 59.5% of public employees are more than 45 years old and 12.3%, more than 60 years.
Only 8.1% of the total are less than 30 years old.
According to CCOO data, Social Security is the most agreed administration with a staff greater than 50 years representing 72%, while young people under the age of 30 only reach 3.4%