Asturias records 116 forest fires in 35 councils and Mount Naranco, in Oviedo, burns in several areas. The Valdés council concentrates, in the western zone, the extinction actions and SEPA Firefighters from various parks and members of the Military Emergency Unit remain mobilized there.

Today the flames and the intense smoke that come out of this mountain are still visible from a good part of Oviedo, at the foot of which is the Oviedo neighborhood of Ciudad Naranco. The flames have devastated part of the mountain from mid-height to the top, which is crowned by the monument to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This Friday the communication cuts decreed last night remain active. In the Valdés council, traffic remains interrupted, except for emergency vehicles, on the A-8 motorway between kilometer points 441 and 444 in Cadavedo, the N-634 in Trevías, the N-632 in Ballota, the AS- 351 from Almuña to the town of Merás and the AS-219 in Naraval (Tineo). Rail traffic also remains cut off at the height of Cadavedo.

Another section of the Military Emergency Unit with 50 troops and 20 vehicles will join the extinguishing work on this day, adding to the 95 soldiers and 40 media already working in the region. In addition, another BRIF will also be added from Tabuyo in León and the two MITECO seaplanes.

A total of 174 people from 39 homes have been evacuated in the Asturian councils of Valdés, Villayón and Tineo, in the west of the community.

Many of the fires are still small in high areas where they do not pose a danger, but others have already forced the evacuation of dozens of people and the flames have reached some houses, cabins and granaries in isolated areas.

The extinction operation has been reinforced to exceed 600 troops, who have the help of dozens of land vehicles, two seaplanes and five helicopters.

Given the seriousness of the situation, the President of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, decided yesterday to suspend a trip to Cebreros (Ávila) to participate in a meeting with his counterpart from Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, organized by the Communication and School Forum .

Barbón affirmed last night that the majority of the fires – “99%” – had been intentional and, in fact, assured that there are already “suspected suspects” of causing the fires. He added that he is going to act “forcefully” so that the responsible people pay “with the full weight of the law”, because “whoever lights a mountain is a criminal, a delinquent.”

Today, on his Twitter account, the Asturian president has spoken of “real terrorists” who are putting “lives, towns and cities in danger”.

Barbón himself explained yesterday with a graphic the wave of fires that, although they are mainly concentrated in Asturias, have also reached Cantabria.

“The situation so that we get an idea of ​​what we are experiencing. Asturias and Cantabria set on fire. I repeat: they, the ones who set the fire, are responsible. They are FIRE TERRORISTS,” it said.

March ends this Friday with 38 forest fires still active in Cantabria, where 330 fires have been recorded throughout the month that have affected the mountains of the autonomous community, and all of them caused, according to the regional government.

According to the data provided early this Friday by the Cantabrian Executive, since 7:00 p.m. yesterday there have been 20 new fires and a total of 38 are still active.

These fires that are still active are recorded above all in the Pas and Saja-Besaya area, in addition to continuing the fire that started yesterday in the Cantabrian municipality located in the Picos de Europa National Park, Tresviso.

In addition to Tresviso, the municipalities where there are forest fires this Friday are: Camaleño, Cabuerniga (5), Anievas, Tudanca, Saro, Selaya, Los Tojos (7), Molledo (3), Cabezon de la Sal (2), Vega de Pas (2), San Pedro Romeral, Luena, Anievas, Soba (2), Santiurde Toranzo, Tresviso, Ruente, Arredondo, San Roque, Alfoz de Lloredo and the Saja-Nansa commonwealth.

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