Almost three hours of meeting.
It is not a rifirarafe anymore.
It is a serious crisis, so it takes it ERC.
The independence training, the PSOE and the government’s socialist sector failed to close an agreement during the long meeting they maintained during the afternoon and night of this Wednesday.
They met to continue talking to reach a meeting point in the audiovisual law that meets both and prevents Republicans to stagger the definitive approval of the general budgets of the State and the majority that sustains the governance of Pedro Sánchez.

The Executive’s decision that audiovisual law does not force foreign platforms such as Netflix, HBO, Disney or Amazon to allocate a fee of 6% of its production to Catalan, such as PSOE provided with ERC, has unleashed a crisis that mobilizes Government
and PSOE to lower tension.
For the Catalans, the theme of the language is crucial.
But, at the moment, there is no water for the fire, although it will continue working in the coming days to try to stifle it.

The telematic encounter, “constructive”, as defined by socialist sources present, served to note that there is an “important difference” of interpretation on whether or not foreign platforms can be forced to comply with that fee of 6%.
The nationalists believe yes;
The PSOE believes that no and, in any case, your bet is not to impose quotas but provide tax incentives to platforms to produce content in Catalan, Basque or Galician.

From today, contacts and the exchange of proposals and documents will continue, explain these sources, to file this difference and reach an agreement.
The purpose of the government was to detach the audiovisual law of the budgets, but ERC does not make an eyebrow in its position to link the two negotiations to have more strength, negotiating muscle.

Same as it happened with the PNV and its discontent to be displaced by Bildu in budgetary negotiation, the PSOE activated rapidly, in this case on the same afternoon-night on Tuesday, to “cool” ERC anger and reduce tension.
Beyond the clash by audiovisual law, Pedro Sánchez is aware that to take the legislature until 2023 he needs the support of the nationalists.

The 155 votes adding PSOE and united can be insufficient to validate the measures that the Government impulses, to which Sánchez has ordered to intensify the work in the Council of Ministers to insufflate oxygen to an economic reactivation that transits at a lower pace than that provided by

And that parliamentary weakness almost vital the 18 votes that Suman ERC and Bildu – which preach a unit of action in Congress – or six of the PNV.
That explains the rapid reaction to turn off the fires with these partners that support the government, because to break the so-called block of investiture dynamiting “stability” proclaimed ministers after Congress gave green light to budgets.

Contacts, Government calls to ERC and the willingness to negotiate improvements in the audiovisual law, yes, on the margins of the limits that allows the European Directive, according to Vice President Nadia Calviño, was the rapid response of the Government to the Ordin of ERC
that they could rethink their support for budgets.

At the meeting of this afternoon of the PSOE and ERC domes, “the Felix Bolaños ministers and María Jesús Montero, were attended,” also telematics, preceded by the points of approaches.
None of the two appointments served to unclog.

The government wants to temper spirits with nationalists because it does not want to dilate more days the approval of budgets.
Its purpose was to avoid having modifications in the Senate to prevent them from returning to Congress for a new vote.
If the approval could be on December 22 in the Senate, better than wait for 28 in Congress.

And at the time it is about recruiting the relationship with ERC, the PNV is still being pampered, which the Minister of Finance, Mary Jesús Montero, defines as a “priority partner”.
The PNV is about to achieve that the Government facilitates that the Basque Country concludes the works of the high-speed train (TAV) with the scouts provided in Vitoria and Bilbao.

The contacts also intensify with the PSOE and the Government.
The Basque nationalist president, Andoni Ortuzar, wants to close this agreement before the processing of budgets in the Senate is finalized these days.