The National Police have arrested three people on Tuesday in Don Benito (Badajoz) for a case of surrogate motherhood that occurred in the hospital itself moments after the birth. One of the detainees is the mother of the newborn, who gave birth this past dawn at the Don Benito-Villanueva Hospital, and who has been left in police custody at the health center itself. Both the baby and the 28-year-old woman are in good condition.

In addition, the couple who were allegedly going to keep the newborn, specifically a 43-year-old woman and a 42-year-old man, are also detained at the police station.

The attempt was frustrated when the health center staff realized that the woman who is now detained at the police station was trying to register the baby in her name when they detected that her affiliation data did not match her physical appearance, which is why which has alerted the Police. Specifically, the doctors who attended her have raised the alarm when verifying that the data that appeared in the filiation of her mother did not coincide with her physical appearance, as well as other details that the agents are investigating. At this time, the investigation remains open.

Asked about these facts, the Government delegate in Extremadura, Francisco Mendoza, has indicated that the event is being investigated and has confirmed that “this crime may have been committed”, as it is not allowed under Spanish law. Thus, he has confirmed that it is investigating how a woman in labor could have tried to give up her son in favor of the other couple, although it is being investigated by the National Police. Mendoza has stressed that a statement will be taken from the detainees and, where appropriate, “they will be brought to justice if it is considered that there is sufficient evidence for the commission of that crime.”

The three detainees, all of Romanian nationality, as EL MUNDO has been able to confirm, have already been handed over to the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 1 of Don Benito. The detainees are accused of crimes of supposition of childbirth and alteration of paternity , identity theft and documentary falsification.

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