The new Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Héctor Gómez from the Canary Islands, explained that he arrives at his new position with a “clear roadmap” to help “put Spain at the forefront of Europe and the world.” Gómez assumes the portfolio after the departure of his predecessor, Reyes Maroto, who is the PSOE candidate for mayor of Madrid.

In this sense, he announced that the objective is already being achieved “despite the many difficulties and, also on occasions, the lack of political will to establish a framework of good relations.”

Gómez, who has already promised the position before the King, participated in an act in which he thanked Pedro Sánchez for “the trust” that the Executive has placed in him. He also remembered Maroto, who, in his opinion, is leaving after “five years of enormous and effective work”, according to Servimedia.

Regarding his work, the head of Industry, Commerce and Tourism assured that he arrives “with extraordinary humility and with a vocation to work transversally with other ministries.”

Pablo Echenique, spokesman for United We Can in Congress, assured that he has a “good impression” of Gómez, whom he already knew from his time as spokesman for the Socialist Group. The ‘purple’ deputy Antón Gómez-Reino, for his part, asked him “not to be above all a Minister of Tourism but also of Industry”.

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