Although she only quoted Vox once and in the last moments of her investiture speech (one hour and six minutes long), María Guardiola sent several direct messages to the formation that will become tomorrow, after the votes in the Assembly, your government partner. The most significant came when he referred to “the fight against gender violence” where he made his position clear, although to do so he did not use the aggressive language that was about to lead this region to an electoral repetition: “Not one step back , nor the use of a euphemism and a lot of awareness and attention to the victims”, warned Guardiola, who announced that she herself will assume “directly” the powers of her executive in matters of Equality, which will become attached to the Presidency of the Board for, he assured, in order to “guarantee its priority nature.”

His direct address to Vox was highly anticipated before the official voting on the second day of the plenary session, this Friday, where Abascal’s five deputies will have to expressly support his candidacy, and he addressed them at the last moment with a more accommodating message. Thus, he said he aspired to “four years of seriousness, stability and loyalty” to clarify that this last term “is the devotion that people feel to their causes”, which should not be confused with “submission and the absence of critical spirit”. . In his opinion, “the Popular Party and Vox are clear about the limits set by the signed agreement” to compare it with the government of Spain, where PSOE and Podemos, “have spent four years denying each other, working selfishly, choosing even opposite directions ” .

So, in the framework of the “dialogue” in Extremadura between his party and Vox, he assured that “we must all act with respect, putting the cause that unites us before the discrepancies that may arise,” Guardiola commented.

It was the most significant of a speech where he acknowledged that “the lack of political experience” has played “a trick” on him, referring to the controversial negotiations he had with Vox after election night and that led both parties to lose the control of the Bureau and the presidency of the Assembly of Extremadura. But precisely because she did not have that party culture, nor did she start from the bottom, in the new generations, as she herself cited, she is now reaching professional politics and as president of the Board “without backpacks, without paternalism and without dependence on the past”. he proclaimed.

As a preamble to the Equality section, the most attractive to public opinion because, before reaching an agreement with Abascal’s party twelve days ago, she had been especially harsh with this formation in this area, Guardiola clarified that she, due to the fact of being woman “does not make me better than my peers, but it is a social conquest”, although he qualified that there is still “a long way to go”. For this, he wanted to pay tribute, citing them personally in his speech, to those of his party who reached high political positions in the national sphere, from Soledad Becerril, Esperanza Aguirre, Rita Barberá or, among others, Isabel Díaz Ayuso: “You talks a lot about feminism in these days of terrible omens”, in response to which she has reaffirmed that the women of the PP do not accept “lessons of feminism or equality from anyone, there have always been women who with their lives and their efforts fought for the equality”. “I will be the president of all,” she indicated.

In this regard, he recalled that Extremadura suffers from the highest rate of female unemployment in the entire country, with the subsequent deterioration, in turn, in their pensions. In this line, she promised the creation of the First Reconciliation Strategy of Extremadura, with the objective that women do not have to consider giving up their professional careers to the detriment of family care.

The candidate for the Presidency of the Board was convinced that “in the face of the easy and simple resource” heard in recent days in Extremadura about “the wolf is coming”, in reference to her legislature pact with Vox, she will make “a bet for the culture of understanding and dialogue”. Along these lines, he recalled the “anti-fascist alert” that was launched to surround the Andalusian parliament at the inauguration of Juan Manuel Moreno in Andalusia at his inauguration as president in 2018 and in which they participated, he recalled, ” the socialists”. Thus, she recalled that in the following elections, the Andalusian baron of the PP reached an absolute majority. In this sense, Guardiola has assessed that “citizens are no longer fooled by the tale of fear”, because despite the warnings, “the wolf did not appear in Andalusia, it did not appear in Madrid and it will not be seen in Extremadura either” .

In parallel, he indicated: “We will build and we will not tear down, we will listen and we will not silence, we will move forward and we will not take a step back,” Guardiola claimed, who complained, referring to the regional spokesperson for United We Can, Irene de Miguel, who “someone announced with a catastrophic tone a setback in social rights” in Extremadura, “the result of political desperation.” Thus, he assumed that during his legislature “hyperbole will be used”, and regretted, but at the same time he promised to avoid “trenches and sides” so that “no one feels excluded” from “respect and dialogue, without prejudice and without stridency “.

“Someone will base his speech on the hackneyed tale of ‘the wolf is coming'”, and he was especially critical of the rise of “populism in politics”, so now it is time for “the responsibility to recover the prestige of the institutions”, something that he plans to do “with dialogue, building together and tied to the mast of the vocation of public service so as not to fall into the terrible arms of sirens” and “not succumb to manipulation, interested applause and hatred”.

With respect to the PSOE, in addition to thanking Guillermo Fernández Vara for his work carried out by Extremadura, for which he asked for applause from all the deputies of the Assembly, he extended his hand to build great pacts in the region, based on the improvement of health and the education.

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