Good Morning!
It’s hot, it’s dry, and it remains hot and dry. Therefore, the message from the weekend, than 350 firefighters, police officers and other helpers are in use to combat a forest fire in the vicinity of Frankfurt airport, is still worth talking about. The people who live in the area, they were not allowed to open the window. And if you stood in the door, it smelled such as in a coal cellar. The cause of the fire is still not clear – and the truth is that in days like these, carelessness, bad consequences: if no cars wild parked with a hot engine in the forest (such as at the Langener Waldsee and this has happened recently), you leave no shards of glass, and not smoke there. That now-forgotten ammunition from the Second world war, explodes in the forest, should ensure that the area around the Frankfurt airport is once searched very decidedly.

Carsten Knop


F. A. Z. Twitter

On a Brand, many people talk naturally about the weather anyway. But, you know, what is the small summer, the greatest reader interest draws series in our sheet is currently on? It is the small section, in the members of the editorial staff on think of favorite recipes that offer for the Corona times much more used domestic kitchen Inspiration. These dishes are not always expensive, but that alone is not the criterion. Today, it’s something to beat the heat: iced coffee from Mrs Marie Lisa Kehler, enriched with a little Hype. You will be surprised.

Now, one might think that these recipes had something to do with a summer hole, but it is not. In fact, Corona and various scandals in the state of Hesse ensure that there is always something to report. Especially the police are affected by this: – racism-allegations, Drohschreiben NSU 2.0 on the one hand, violent Mobs on the other side. In a commentary, Andreas Green, country Chairman of the police Union writes what is in his view of it. He calls for an objectification of the debate and a larger backing by policy makers. The interior Minister Peter Beuth presented a “catalogue of measures” do not go in this direction. He is rather an expression of mistrust. Oha, whether or not the Minister of the interior, want to know this so you understand?

F. A. Z.-Newsletter “Hauptwache”

So the day begins in Frankfurt and Rhine-Main: the most Important points in brief, with References to mobile speed cameras, road closures, and restaurants.

Please take notice of our privacy.

And in addition, an Aachen-based Investor wants to build close to the A3 motorway in Idstein, a solar Park. But from the half-timbered city, is not only to hear the enthusiasm; is the virtual city tour in Mainz, Germany by 3D-reconstructions of the synagogue, a Roman theatre and a medieval Department store have been added; it should be in Oberursel by 30 kph on two main roads for local residents easier. However, the pace of the brake excites the minds.

Many greetings from the editorial team,

Carsten Knop