Actually, the dictionary is primarily a dictionary of German spelling. But because language changes with society, reads the list of words that are added in the case of a new issue, every Time a look back at the past years. 28.Edition, which appears on Wednesday, is the most extensive and has been expanded to include 3000 neologisms. Most of the come, according to Duden from the areas of technology, climate, transport, Gender, medicine, and policy.

Anna Vollmer


F. A. Z.


For some years now, it is hip to wear a Beard young men – who can, full and long. The Barber who takes care of the maintenance of the facial hair is longer in the Duden, one of his most important utensils, the Bartöl, until now.


The bee is not well. We know that at the latest, since a referendum at the beginning of 2019 under the Motto “Save the bees” improvement of the Bavarian species conservation act called for. So the “insects die” should be prevented, which is now also in the Duden.


The term “Coronavirus” is already since the Sars epidemic at the beginning of the turn of the Millennium years in the Duden, a new disease Covid-19 is now triggered by Sars-CoV-2. Add to this the many words associated with the pandemic: Lockdown, Social Distancing, and reproduction number for example also.

Gender asterisks

There are a few things that have been discussed in the past few years as heated as a punctuation mark to show that there are more than two sexes. In the Duden, it is included twice – as a concept and also in its function. The new edition contains the first three pages for gender fair use of language.

life hack

if you are wondering how you seeded a pomegranate, or the toilet with Cola cleans, you can watch it on Youtube, a life hack. In 2005, the concept of the American Dialect Society was voted to be one of the most useful words of the year. This is now arrived here.

Legal terrorism

After the terrorist attacks in Halle, Hanau, Germany, the protection of the Constitution described the right-wing extremism as the biggest threat to internal security. Now, a word from which one might think is that it was found there long ago, in the Duden.