The Chinese technology group Huawei has long been suspected to be able to Chinese espionage purposes. Huawei itself has disputed this always. Concrete evidence it was not yet also. Now, however, a newspaper has found, in Australia, notes that a Huawei-built data centre of the government in Papua new Guinea had been from the outset by blatant security holes vulnerable. The newspaper, citing a report on Chinese espionage activities in the South Pacific island nation, was also the Australian government. In the 65 pages long, the report says, therefore, the actual execution of the data center in the capital city of Port Moresby did not vote with the original Plan agreement. This heavy security came gaps.

Till Fähnders

Political correspondent for Southeast Asia.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Explosive this revelation is that it is deficiencies in the safety, according to the representation obviously is not a Provided acted. “The report suggests on the one hand, that Huawei was a deliberate attempt, lax cyber security, this Plan was thwarted by the fact that the centre neglected quickly because there is not enough money for maintenance and operation was not available”, it said on Tuesday, in the “Australian Financial Review”. Consequently, it was absent in the data center, for example, of digital protection devices such as Firewalls. In addition, encryption algorithms were not already before the opening of the data centre’s for sure. These vulnerabilities have led to the situation that a hacker would attack from the outside has not been noticed.

the poor state of The data center would have led, according to the report, only a handful of government agencies have transferred their data there. The data center was built with a loan of 53 million dollars from the Chinese development Bank, Exim Bank. It was taken in the year 2018, when the country was entered as the host for the summit of Apec countries in appearance. Due to the lack of resources for software licenses, but were quickly run out and are no longer functional batteries have not been replaced. In a statement, the technology company of the newspaper, it was said, therefore, however, the project did not fulfil “the appropriate industry standards and the requirements of the customer”.

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The author of the newspaper report is based on Reports is a Contracting company for data security. As the Client, the National “Cyber Security Centre” served the government of Papua new Guinea. This authority had been created to hacker attacks, especially during the Apec summit. The money came from the governments of the Pacific heads of state and of Australia. The report had been commissioned after the government in Port Moresby Australia have also asked for financial help for the non-functioning data center. According to the paper, the Australian government has refused to support the establishment. According to her, a complete rebuild was necessary.

fear of China’s activities in the South Pacific

poor island nation was hit with an additional 53 million dollars of debt and a useless data centre, reported the newspaper. Australia observed the Chinese involvement in the South Pacific for some time with suspicion. It fears that some of the countries to be pushed into a debt trap. Now China is after Australia the largest donor in Oceania. A report of the “Australian Strategic Policy Institute,” estimated that China has challenged alone to Papua new Guinea 147 million dollars for digital projects, including the national data centre, a broadband network and a biometric ID card.