The family members of each of the four Galician people who lost their lives in the fires that devastated Galicia in the last days receive 75,000 euros of compensation. The autonomic executive has increased the expected emergency compensation figure. “That serves something to alleviate morally and economically” those who have lost their loved ones, said Thursday the president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, announcing the signing of the urgent decree approved by the Galician government to repair the damage. Those affected will also receive between 60 and 103 euros per day of hospitalization.
Feijóo understands that the causes of their deaths have a “criminal intentionality” that is not comparable to those generated by natural causes. President Gallego, who insists on classifying “terrorism” the wave of fires which in just a couple of days devastated more than 35,000 hectares of the autonomous territory, has included in these measures repairing aid for the people who lost their homes Habitual although careciesen of insurance. At the same time, the Xunta will open a line of advice so that the people who did have contracted this coverage can collect the compensation without complications. All of these cases will be valued by technicians from the Department of Living, which shall approve the items for rehabilitation depending on the damage caused.
The Xunta counts 32 homes affected or destroyed and will offer 100% of the amount of the restoration with a maximum stop of 75% of what costs a shelter in the municipalities in which they are enclaved. The housing units will have a coverage of 100% in the case of those that were habitual residences and 40% in that of the second houses. While repairs are made, the Department of Living will collaborate with assistance in the payment of temporary accommodation.
The environmental damage caused by the flames as well as the impact of the trawling of the Ashes to Rivers and the sea will also be addressed by different cabinets of the Xunta, while a coordinating Committee shall adopt the measures for the many areas Punished in natural parks.
Harshly questioned by the opposition political groups and by the citizens that on Monday went massively to the streets to claim “never more” and to demand responsibilities, the Galician President, who has recognized that the administration lost for 12 hours the Control of large fires, argues that its “absolute priority” is to serve those affected. Four days after the start of the incendiary wave and despite the rains, at noon this Thursday remained without extinguishing, but controlled, a fire in Cervantes (Lugo), in the heart of Os Ancares, one of the largest natural reserves in Galicia and protection zone of the Brown bear who has lost in three days around 2,000 hectares protected.