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Argen Tina decides if he delivers all the power to MACRI

“I don’t know if Macri came to stay, but poverty does” Argentina goes to the polls. In these mid-term elections they renew seats in the Argentine Parliament and redefine the political map in the face of the presidential elections of 2019. In the Senate, where 24 of the 72 seats are put in play, Peronism today has a majority with 50 legislators, although divided into three different blocks. In deputies, where there are also Peronist majority, are renewed 127 of the 257 seats. If the results of the August primaries are repeated tonight, the block may lose its own quorum.
Of the result will depend on where the Argentines give or no more power to President Mauricio MACRI. The polls feed the official Optisimos. The great battle is in the province of Buenos Aires, the largest constituency in the country, with more than 11 million voters, where Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is a candidate for senator. A triumph of the expresident will place her as leader of the opposition. Other large districts, such as Córdoba and Ciudad de Buenos Aires, bastions of officialism, will also influence the final result.
All the candidates decided to finish their campaigns ahead of time, after the discovery of the body of the artisan Santiago Maldonado, disappeared last August 1 after an operative of the Gendarmerie against a protest of Mapuches in Chubut, in Patagonia. The misgiving case marked the agenda of these elections. So we tell you in the country: