Love is unstoppable! From the North Sea to the Palatinate, the “Bauer sucht Frau” candidates are kissing and cuddling in each other’s arms. Even the shy cheese maker Arne purses his lips in crush.

Shortly after the season 18 mountain festival, Inka Bause no longer knows where her head is at. Wherever the chief clapper looks, the sky is full of violins. Whether in the far north of the republic or deep in the south: the candidates and their court visits not only ride a common wave of sympathy. In some places, as in the case of young farmer Ulf and cattle farmer Michael N., plans for the future are already being made for eternity.

The latter impresses his Mandy with home-baked bread. Instead of flour, the farmer swears by nuts, berries, oatmeal and chia seeds. The visibly enthusiastic Mandy forms a heart on the surface of the bread from the edible lamiaceae seeds. The lovingly baked “Mandy and Michael bread” is later served with Mandy’s liver sausage that she has brought with her. To top off the day, Michael kidnaps his lady-in-waiting to his favorite beach. There, where you can almost see the rough cliffs of Scotland, the two lovers drift into pink spheres kissing and cuddling: “I could imagine going to the end of the world with you,” exults Mandy.

The flirtation and love curves are also rising steeply with horse landlord Ulf, dairy farmer Arne and horse farm master Loretta. At the barbecue with the parents, the mood is great (Loretta). After an extended moped tour, Ulf and Anna Lina finally get closer: “The spark has already jumped over my head,” admits the trained horse manager. And even with the shy cheese maker Arne, the feelings have now found a way out. With the pedal boat under his feet and a wildly pounding “conquered heart” in his chest, Arne opens all emotional floodgates: “I’m the happiest person in the world!”, the cheese maker stutters in embarrassment. Antje rewards her farmer’s emotional hurdle jump with a tender kiss.

Wherever the format journey goes, Amor has done a successful job everywhere. Not even Corona can stop the happiness of love. After her return from quarantine, panic lady Patricia is full of energy. Farmer Jörg can finally let himself be pampered. The farmer’s surprise menu for his loved ones doesn’t taste quite as good as he had hoped (there are sweet potatoes with peppers and tomatoes). But that is only marginally disturbing. After it was made clear that you don’t peel a melon with a potato peeler, the two flagship members of the season are already kissing in each other’s arms.

With so much object instruction, the latecomers should quickly find their way onto the right track. This time for the first time: Almbauer Martin and his Neubrandenburgerin Carola. The visitor from the lowlands is quickly blown away, but more by the “breathtaking” new surroundings than by the host: “The view of the mountains from the balcony is just fantastic,” enthuses Carola. Martin stands next to him with a grin and hands his lady-in-waiting a cup of Lambrusco.

Yes, there must certainly be more to come in the next few days. But every beginning is difficult. Let’s hope that the organic farmer, who seems slightly overwhelmed, still has one or the other courtship trump card up his sleeve.

(This article was first published on Tuesday, November 01, 2022.)