The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, will advance the next approval of the budgets for 2022, with a rise in social spending, and a drop in taxes for citizens within the framework of the debate on the state of autonomy, which will begin
this Wednesday.

Through his account on Twitter, the holder of the Galician executive explained that next week the accounts for 2022 of the Xunta will be approved, which “he already had finalized” Confelle de Facenda, Valeriano Martínez, until his death the pass

In addition, it has indicated that it will announce that this year the new Strategic Plan 2021-2030 will be presented and will address “improvements” in health, higher residences and education.

Regarding the economic sphere, it has pointed out that it will deal with the need to “start measures for the maintenance of employment” and the industrial crisis, as well as the “opportunity” that involves the mobilization of the European Funds of Recovery Next Generation and the proposals
Presented by the community for capture.

Feijóo has also highlighted that in the framework of the debate will address issues such as fiscal policy.
“Galicia has been leaving the taxes to the citizens for years and we reject the fiscal rise announced by the central government. Facing that, in 2022 the Xunta will reduce taxes on Galicians,” he has asserted through a shared message in
the social network.

Also, President Galician will announce this Wednesday the lifting of the health emergency held in Galicia 19 months, since March 2020. It will be one of the main advertisements in health matters, once “the light is seen at the end of the tunnel”
, according to Europe Press Governments advanced, on the content of the President’s speech.

During this day of Tuesday, festive per day of the Pilar, Feijóo will be centered on “Ultimar” in his office of the official residence of Monte Pío the preparation of the debate, which motivates his absence in the official acts of Madrid on the occasion of Hispanicity

In his speech, he will start this Wednesday at 10:00 pm in the Hórreo Path, he plans to highlight the “stability and democratic normality” of Galician politics, an issue that this 2021 collects special symbolism for the 40th anniversary of the promulgation of the
Statute of autonomy.

Faced with the situation of Galicia, Feijóo will contrast his tenth debate at the front of the Xunta – is already made on the margin of the investiture -, with the national political context, in which the investiture except, a state debate was not held
Of the nation for almost seven years, “recalcan the sources of the Xunta.

Health and economic reactivation will be, as the issues that have advanced the groups of Parliament, “two of the axes of his speech”, in which ads linked to future autonomous budgets, which the Xunta expects to present in
The usual time and form despite the sudden death of Facenda Conselleiro, Valerian Martínez.
What’s more, it poses Feijóo as the “best tribute” that can be done.

In the sanitary field, the maximum autonomic address will analyze, during its intervention, the current situation of health, in which “the light is seen at the end of the tunnel” of the pandemic and will announce the end of the state of health emergency.

In the economic issue, it will refer to the industrial crisis and the distribution of the Next Generation funds, as well as the need to reform the autonomous financing model, among other issues.

The Parliament of Galicia will house its 25th debate on the state of autonomy, which for Feijóo will be his tenth appointment since he took the reins of the Xunta.
With the background of the pandemic, it will be, in addition, the first debate of this legislature, since last year it did not take place, as usual in the last mandates in the exercises in which there is one of investiture.

The first date of this type occurred in Galicia in 1989, under the mandate of Fernando González Laxe, and the formal scheme has suffered some variations over the years.

The President will start with a discourse that can be extended without a time limit.
Full will be resumed at 4:00 pm with the intervention of the spokespersons of the groups for 45 minutes.
Feijóo will proceed to respond before a new replica of the groups and will close the day with the latest counterplane.

The session will not be resumed until Friday 15 at 11.00 hours for the debate and vote on the resolution proposals, which will be presented – as maximum 40 per group – and negotiate on Thursday 14. In the last debate, in 2019,
They were approved 57.