At the beginning of September, Matthias Reim shocked with the news that he had to undergo “intensive medical treatment” and therefore cancel concerts. Ultimately, the diagnosis is burnout. The 64-year-old is now back on stage and is now explaining his breakdown.

After a health-related concert break, hit star Matthias Reim spoke about his burnout condition. “It wasn’t a good time for me. I felt like a loser. I was physically exhausted – and disappointed and angry at myself because I was so looking forward to the year after Corona,” said the 64-year-old to the “image “-Newspaper. “It’s been a long way back.”

Reim had stopped performing for almost two months and justified the break with a “severe burnout problem” and an inflammation of the vocal cords. The singer now said his problems started in the summer with several delayed colds. “I just took pills. I didn’t want to believe that I could actually get sick. Even when I was standing on stage sweating in nine degrees of cold, I clenched my teeth and kept going.”

He also ignored warnings from his doctor until he collapsed one day, says Reim. He got up in the morning and realized something was wrong. “He was so exhausted and just said, ‘I can’t do it anymore’,” said Reim’s wife Christin Stark.

During the treatment he suffered from a bad conscience, the musician said. “I felt like I let everyone down.” That frustrated him. The incident was also a warning for him: “I really got a big hit on the bell. I don’t want to experience that again.” Now he feels good again.

At the “Schlagernacht des Jahres” the “Damn, I love you” singer returned to the stage at the end of October. His tour is scheduled to continue in December, some dates have been postponed to spring 2023.