On the eve of a new european Council, the Commission remains confident in its ability to wrest an agreement that States the so-called “frugal”. Interviewed on France 2 on Thursday, the commissioner of the Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, said that Brussels “will” to enforce the consensus around the proposal for a recovery plan of 750 billion euros supported by the european executive. The negotiations are expected to continue tomorrow, and the agreement is not expected Friday, except surprise : “I think it will be rather an intermediate step to reconciling the positions and better understand the differences between the heads of State and government”, he said.

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However, “there is an urgency”, he admitted, before adding that the innovative character of the approach to justify the time necessary to reach an agreement. “It is a thing so unprecedented […] to issue joint debt to finance programs in common that this justifies the fact that it is necessary to work there again”. The franco-German entente on the subject has “helped” the Commission, and the country’s frugal score of the “major advantages” of the Union, so they must be a part of “the common interest”. The “substance” of the plan proposed by the Commission is not likely to change, he also said.

Submitted on 27 may last, the funds of the european recovery would provide up to 750 billion euros. Based on the principle of solidarity between european countries, it must be able to face the economic consequences of the epidemic. It, however, requires the unanimity of the member States and runs contrary to the scepticism of the States called “stingy” or “frugal”, as well as Austria.

To an agreement in July ?

To the Italian representative, the plan of 750 billion should help prevent the “crisis policy” that represented the virus does not lead to “economic consequences very different” between the member States : “this could endanger our single market and the strength of our common currency.” The fund will provide oxygen to those countries that have “less financial strength to respond to this crisis”, in order to avoid that they “remain behind”. It will also allow economies “more competitive” in the future.

In fine, the Commission hopes to be able to reach an agreement “probably in the month of July,” said the representative of the institution. A date that corresponds to the calendar set by the executive French and German, Paris and Berlin looking to finish this package before the summer break. The failure of the discussions is not envisaged that : “the consequences would be so serious that it is better not to talk about it”, has swept away Paolo Gentiloni, for which the agreement is “absolutely necessary”.

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