Avigdor Lieberman, the politician who can end the decade NetanyahuNetanyahu fight for his political survival after losing the eleccionesEmpate technical between Gantz and Netanyahu with more than 60% screened

A ceremony in remembrance of Shimon Peres gathered together for the first time since the closing of the polls to the winner of the election of Israel, Benny Gantz , and the second most voted candidate, Benjamin Netanyahu . With the vote count almost completed, the list of the Blue and White reached the 33 seats, two more than Likud. The president, Reuven Rivlin , which on Sunday will begin the round of contacts in order to propose a candidate to form a government, she seized the meeting to ask the two leaders to give the hand in front of the cameras. A symbolic image in a day marked by the call unanimous to form an executive of national unity that would avoid the country having to organize a third election.

Despite being the loser, Netanyahu gave the first step and went to Gantz during his speech at the ceremony to tell him that “there is no other option than to form a broad unity government “. The who has been prime minister during the last decade, and seemed invincible until the last two elections, recalled to the present, “the example of Peres, when you did not get a clear victory opted for a unity government with Yitzhak Shamir to bring Israel to a coast, secure.” This case occurred between 1984 and 1988, when both leaders agreed to a head of government rotary. What is not said Netanyahu is that the experiment ended badly, because, after the first two years as prime minister, Peres betrayed the pact, and negotiated with the religious parties for not giving the seat to his opponent.

Gantz wasted no time in responding, and they did it without complex , bolstered by the support gained at the polls. The former Army chief was in favor of the government of national coalition “broad, liberal, and led by me, a Government that represents the will of the people”. He was also a rebuke to his adversary because “to build a unity Government, does not come with political blocs and a move, but with honesty, patriotism, responsibility, and seriousness”. A reproach because Netanyahu signed a commitment with the two formations ultra-orthodox (Shas and Judaism, United by the Torah) and the alliance of right-wing parties and right wing extremist, Yamina, to carry out the negotiations as a single block. These are the matches which had the leader of the Likud party to reach the 61 seats that you were given the majority in a chamber of 120 deputies, but his project has failed because in between all add up to 55.

Without Netanyahu

The high charges of the list of Blue and White defended the stance of his leader. Number two, the journalist Yair Lapid, said he regretted that Netanyahu ” it is unable to accept the results “. Other heavy weights, also a former Army chief Moshe Yaalon, said, “with him will not work, we will not enter in a coalition led by Netanyahu. We got the power to fix things and return the country to the good way and with him it would never work”.

throughout his career, Netanyahu has shown to be able to overcome very complex situations, but the second stumbling block that suffers in the polls in just five months has finished with its aura of a great leader and it forces you to put your feet on the ground. The program of Blue-and-White does not differ from a coma with the Likud in key topics for the country such as the occupation, the threat of Iran, or relations with the united States. The former prime minister based his campaign on his close friendship with Vladimir Putin or Donald Trump and hung up huge posters in the cities with the u.s. president, but the occupant of the White House seemed to take away after their defeat, declared to the media that he had been called by phone and reminded that “the friendship of the united States is with Israel.”