With some delay, the thermometers begin to drop to show the temperature of the season. In November, autumn sets in with fewer and fewer hours of light and increasingly colder. Spring and summer are behind us, when most plants and flowers reach their splendor and soon the first frosts will make an appearance. Now, despite the fact that the weather invites us to think otherwise, the truth is that in the penultimate month of the year we can plant some crops, flowers and aromatic plants in the orchard and garden.

The truth is that there is maintenance work to be done in our plant kingdom. To begin with, it is time to prepare the arable land for the coming months. It is now when the frequency of irrigation should be limited – especially because humidity increases – as well as the use of fertilizers and fertilizers. It is also time to do the last pruning and remove weeds and dry plants.

In order to protect plants, it is time to look for suitable places for pots containing fragile plants, which can suffer from low temperatures. In some cases you can choose to surround them with plastic. Certain crops also need to be covered with greenhouses, so experts recommend good planning to calculate planting, transplanting and harvesting times. Of course, at this time it is not recommended to plant crops with high sun demands.

In November it is recommended to plant some vegetables, many of them short cycle.

November is an optimal month to plant bare root rose bushes or transplant them. But the catalog available for our pots or gardens is much more extensive:

As for aromatic plants, November is a month in which we can plant chives, oregano, basil, mint, rosemary, thyme or sap. It must be taken into account that the seeds of these plants will be protected from the cold under the ground.