Since the era of digitalization of work and the presence of computers regularly in the home, the keyboard has become an essential peripheral. However, its daily contact, and for several hours a day in a row, also adds dust, food remains and dirt in general between its keys.

These elements slow down the performance of the equipment and can also cause breakdowns.

Below we explain how to best clean a computer keyboard beyond a simple shake or tilt of the keyboard.

Follow the following steps to clean a computer keyboard:

One of the great enemies of keyboards are liquids, especially in laptop versions. If you spill any type of liquid on a keyboard, follow these steps:

1. Disconnect your power source. If it is a portable keyboard, immediately turn off the computer.

2. If it is a wireless version, dry the keyboard and rotate the peripheral 180ยบ so that any remaining liquid escapes from the inside.

3. If you spilled liquid on a laptop, dry the unit and do not turn on the computer for 24 hours. This way you can avoid damage to other parts of the computer such as the memory, hard drive or screen.

4. During the drying operation, a microfiber cloth that attracts moisture from the equipment can help.