Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – Exemplary projects in Rüsselsheim, Frankfurt and Gießen have been honored with the Hessian University Prize for excellence in teaching. The prize is endowed with a total of 115,000 euros. In addition to three prizes for teachers, a student initiative was also honored.

The jury selected the winners from 45 applications from 12 universities. They are “practical and sustainable, combine the theoretical learning material with the challenges of practice and face the questions of the future,” said Science Minister Angela Dorn (Greens) according to the announcement on Thursday in Frankfurt.

The first prize, worth 60,000 euros, went to Prof. Karlheinz Spindler at the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences in Rüsselsheim for his project “Holistic teaching and research-based learning in mathematics”. According to the ministry, the professor relies on research-based learning and thus conveys a desire for mathematics.

The second prize (30,000 euros) goes to four professors at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences for their project “Smart Education in Computer Science”. The professors teach in teams and use e-learning systems. The third prize (15,000 euros) goes to Prof. Florian Lohmann for “banda vocale frankfurt” at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt. With this project, prospective choir directors have the opportunity to study and perform a demanding repertoire with a professional ensemble.

This year, the EUR 10,000 prize for a student initiative goes to the elective subject “Climate Consultation” at the Medicine Faculty of the Justus Liebig University in Giessen. The students want to sensitize medical professionals to their ecological footprint at work.