Fulda (dpa/lhe) – With the best mood and sunny weather, the Fulda carnivalists were looking forward to the traditional Shrove Monday parade. At 1.33 p.m. the “RoMo” was supposed to start moving as Hesse’s largest Shrove Monday parade in the East Hessian city. “Everything has been going smoothly so far,” said Hans-Jürgen Dröge from the RoMo Committee of the German Press Agency. In the run-up, there were numerous meetings with those responsible in the city, the police and the fire brigade, and one felt “extremely well prepared,” said Dröge.

With more than 4000 participants, the parade this year is almost as extensive as the last edition shortly before the pandemic in 2020. There are 258 train units, including 61 vehicles and motif wagons, as well as 180 foot groups. A police spokesman also spoke of an exuberant and happy mood in the city and said: “We are well prepared.”

According to a city spokesman, the children’s parade in Fulda the day before attracted more than 20,000 visitors than ever before. Also for the “RoMo” one hopes for a visitor record in view of the nice weather.