Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – Last year the corona pandemic pushed the number of marriages in Hesse to its lowest level since the post-war year 1946. A total of around 26,590 couples said yes, that was 500 weddings or 1.8 percent fewer than in 2020, as the State Statistical Office announced on Tuesday in Wiesbaden. Compared to the average for the years 2016 to 2019, i.e. the four years before the pandemic, the minus amounted to 3870 marriages or 12.7 percent.

Most couples married last year on May 21 (430 marriages), followed by August 21 (420) and August 20 (390). The most popular wedding months in 2021 were August (a total of 3650 marriages), July (3520) and September (3170).

The average age at marriage last year was 34.4 for men and 31.9 for women. This again corresponds to the values ​​from the pre-pandemic year 2019. In 2020 the average age increased slightly. By way of comparison, in 1950 men were on average 27.4 years old and women 23.9 years old when they married.