Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – After a deadly stab in the larynx of his roommate, a 32-year-old man was permanently committed to a psychiatric ward by the Frankfurt Regional Court on Thursday. The jury assumed manslaughter and followed the prosecutor’s request. Due to his schizophrenic illness, the man is a danger to the general public, according to the judgment, which is final. (File number 3190 Js 223296/22)

The Eritrean went to a consulate nearby shortly after the attack in May last year and confessed to the crime there. Among other things, he spoke of a “camera” that was implanted in his body. However, he could not name a plausible motive for the stab that severed the carotid artery. In their decision, the court and the public prosecutor’s office adhered to the clear assessments of the psychiatric expert. The convict also agreed, so that the judgment became final.