Wiesbaden/Bad Arolsen (dpa/lhe) – Three weeks after the death drive in Berlin with a killed teacher from Bad Arolsen, the state of Hesse, the city of Bad Arolsen and the local Protestant and Catholic parishes are holding an ecumenical memorial service this Thursday. As the Ministry of Education announced on Wednesday, Minister of Education Alexander Lorz (CDU) will take part in the event as a representative of the state government. The service in the Catholic Church of St. Johannes Baptist in Bad Arolsen begins at 6 p.m.

Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) also announced on Wednesday that all departments in the state of Hesse would fly mourning flags. He asked all cities and municipalities as well as corporations, institutions and foundations under public law to join in and fly the flags at half-mast from 7 a.m. until nightfall. Minister of Education Lorz had already called on schools in Hesse to participate in a minute’s silence on Thursday at 11 a.m. on Monday.

The teacher at a secondary school in the north Hessian city was killed in early June when a 29-year-old crashed into a crowd in the capital. More than 30 people were injured in the rampage, including many of the teacher’s students who were on a class trip, and another teacher.