Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – He repeatedly tormented and seriously injured his partner. A 42-year-old man was sentenced to ten years in prison by the Frankfurt Regional Court on Wednesday. Among other things, the judges assumed dangerous bodily harm – the charge had still been attempted manslaughter. The verdict is not yet legally binding.

The accused repeatedly hit the 63-year-old woman, sexually harassed and insulted her. The criminal court assumed eight individual acts. The most serious incident occurred in September last year in a hotel room in Frankfurt-Bockenheim. After prolonged abuse and intercourse, the man left his victim in the room with broken ribs and multiple bruises. The public prosecutor’s office initially assessed this as a conditional intention to kill, but in the end, like the court, assumed a “resignation from the attempt, which would exempt from punishment”. When leaving the room, the accused could have assumed that the woman would survive.

In court, the man admitted what was going on, but spoke of an “agreement” with the woman, who returned to him on her own after each attack. In the opinion of the court, however, this did not change the reprehensibility of his actions. Nor could he invoke an alcohol or drug-related limitation of his criminal responsibility.