After the AquaDom burst, several hundred fish were rescued from the building. The Berlin Zoo is taking in 200 of them and is now taking particular care of those specimens that suffered injuries in the accident.

After the giant AquaDom aquarium burst, most of the rescued fish in Berlin Zoo are doing well, given the circumstances. “Individual animals suffered external injuries to the skin in the accident, which we are trying to heal therapeutically with disinfecting baths,” said a spokeswoman for the Berlin Zoo. Seven fish had already arrived dead or died shortly afterwards from injuries.

Around 200 animals were brought to the zoo over the weekend, including around 40 saltwater fish. These are cichlids, surgeonfish, Picasso triggerfish or batfish. According to the spokeswoman, they are currently housed in rear quarantine tanks.

Last Friday, a large aquarium with 1,500 fish burst in a Berlin hotel near Alexanderplatz. As a result, a million liters of water poured out of the destroyed acrylic glass cylinder into the hotel and onto the street, among other places. Almost all the fish in the aquarium died.

According to the building owner, around 630 fish were rescued from the underground breeding tanks at the weekend and passed on to the zoo, Sealife in the Dom Aquarée and a network of specialist breeders.