Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – According to the public prosecutor’s office, the former Frankfurt mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD) is to be sentenced to a fine of 31,500 euros for accepting advantages in two cases. It is about the employment of Feldmann’s girlfriend at the time as head of a German-Turkish daycare center run by Arbeiterwohlfahrt (Awo) for a salary that exceeds the collective bargaining agreement. In addition, she received a bogus mini-job and a company car, said public prosecutor Johannes Schmidt on Wednesday before the Frankfurt district court.

The special representative of the Frankfurt Awo who was responsible for the recruitment at the time, Hannelore Richter, granted these advantages in order to receive Feldmann’s goodwill. Feldmann was aware of this and felt obliged to Awo. In the other case, Feldmann was supported by judges during his election campaign for re-election. According to the public prosecutor’s office, Feldmann should pay 180 daily rates of 175 euros each.