Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – After more than two years of Corona aid for Hessian companies, the black-green state government draws a positive balance. Since the beginning of the pandemic, companies and the self-employed in the country have been supported with around 17.5 billion euros from federal and state coffers, Minister for Economic Affairs Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens), Finance Minister Michael Boddenberg (CDU) and Interior Minister Peter Beuth (CDU) announced on Wednesday together in Wiesbaden.

“We were able to help many Hessian companies to cushion the effects of the pandemic and to cope with the economic consequences,” Boddenberg summed up. This shows that the programs were properly equipped and could be used unbureaucratically.

According to the state government, the total of 17.5 billion euros in corona aid includes grants, loans, credits, guarantees and, for the most part, temporary tax relief. The state’s economic aid totaled around 11.72 billion euros, that of the federal government to almost 4.83 billion euros. There are also joint federal and state programs.

Economics Minister Al-Wazir stated that the Hessian economy is slowly recovering. He is confident that Hesse will regain the economic strength it had before the corona pandemic, “even if the Ukraine war and its consequences are another major crisis that is putting a heavy strain on the Hessian economy”.