Lautertal/Darmstadt (dpa/lhe) – A 26-year-old is suspected of being responsible for a supermarket fire in Lautertal with damage in the millions. The man was taken into custody on Thursday, the police said in Darmstadt. According to a spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office, the allegations of serious arson and damage to property are at stake.

The fire had completely destroyed the market in Lautertal (Bergstraße district) on Sunday night. Nobody got hurt. According to the investigation, the fire broke out in the area of ​​​​the loading ramp. According to the police, a manager at the supermarket estimated the damage at several million euros.

The prosecutor’s spokesman said that no information could yet be given on the possible motive of the suspect and what traces had led to him for reasons of investigation tactics. The 26-year-old has not yet commented on the allegations. The investigations are ongoing.