Gießen (dpa/lhe) – After the attacks against helpers and visitors to a controversial Eritrean cultural event in Gießen, the police set up an online portal for information about the incident. “Videos, documents, pictures, observations or medical certificates can be uploaded here,” the officials said on Thursday.

According to the police, at least 100 people attacked helpers and visitors to the event planned for the evening last Saturday. More than 20 helpers and seven police officers were injured. The alleged perpetrators were apparently participants in a meeting that was directed against the event. The police are also looking for witnesses who can report something about possible damage to property by taxis.

The police are investigating, among other things, on suspicion of serious breaches of the peace. A working group was set up under the direction of the State Security at the Gießen Criminal Police Department.

The officials said that several tips and also videos and pictures had already been received. In order to be able to send and process these better, the information portal was set up. Anyone who uses it should also fill out an additional questionnaire and attach it to the portal.