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to be Informed is a priority for all , to the people also. “The new generations also have an interest for the present but for them is a bit far the way in which you are told,” says Mariano Velasco, the creator of “plan news”, a new online newspaper.

Aimed primarily at students of ESO and Bachillerato, it deals with the timeliness of the most enjoyable and educational as possible. A space where the traditional sections of the media are presented as the courses the students, becoming “Mates” in Economics and “History” in the National, and where social networks gain prominence.

In plan news search for the reader participation , to propose topics and to express their interests and opinions about what is happening in the world. The website offers also as a teaching tool and educational complement to that can be used by educators Secondary Education (ESO) and Baccalaureate.

“We are open to that is a newspaper of participation, an idea which we will develop more as she grows,” explains Velasco. “But we want our readers to propose topics, write us, send us information made by them, and opinions that have been drawn up on certain issues of today.” Even, in the not too distant future, does not rule out carry out meetings with young people in schools and colleges to develop dynamics that are closely related to what is happening around them.

Environments involved young people informed

the teens To come to the media actively continues to be a pending subject for many. But, and despite how hard it may seem this task for many, they are not alone in this task: the environment plays a decisive role.

While the media and tools like Youtube offer young people the chance not to consume information in a passive manner and begin to participate with their parents through exchanges of opinions, the schools are presented as the ideal place to start discussions about the present.

Velasco recommended that the new generations consume even more information because “they’re going to decide the future of the country within a few years, and you have to know what is going to happen, better things”.

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