The Corona-infection numbers in the state of Hesse continues to rise. Had the Hessian Ministry of social Affairs at the beginning of the week in the days only about 20 new cases compare the reported, increased the number of new infections from Thursday to Friday to 57 on 11.591. This development makes the discussion about new life, why in many cities the so-called Corona-contact restriction regulation is not strict is designed. It says that staying in public space is only permitted with the members of one’s own and of another household or in a group of maximum ten people. Also, the minimum distance of 1.5 metres should be adhered to.

Marie Lisa Kehler

Deputy Department head of the Regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

In the case of gatherings of people, such as the last of the Old Opera house in Frankfurt is in violation of this regulation is obvious. The office wants to say still no ban on meetings in public places. “If we dissolve the Assembly, they will regroup elsewhere,” says Udo Götsch, head of infectious diseases in the health office in Frankfurt. The authority is, according to the country’s decision-responsibility to assess the Situation on the spot. Götsch and his Team have decided, in consultation with the health and order of the Department against a blanket ban on.

cases on contacts in the interior

Also, if in the past weeks, thousands to celebrate on the banks of the river main and in the city centre had to have a trace of infection no indication of any chains that people have attached to. In the fresh air, the infection reduces the risk significantly, even if not equal to zero, by the staff. Almost all of the in the past reported cases were due to contacts in the inside.

Instead of the prohibition of meetings, the health checks for the office, therefore, a large number of “alternative event models”. The aim is, through the revival of a wider bid to comply with the provisions of the social need to Meet and straighten out the Situation on the public places.

events which are Organised according to Götsch the advantage of this is that visitors must leave their data. In the case of an infection, contact tracing is therefore significantly easier.