police officer many want to be – to fill Vacancies, is still difficult. In the Hessian police, there are after Union is currently struggling to fill apprenticeship places. Images of violent attacks against officials, and reports of abuse and insults would have an impact of course, said the spokesman of the police Union (GdP) in Hesse, Germany, Peter Wittig.

But also the setting conditions and the different Salaries within the police forces in Germany are part of the reason. Those who apply for the service in the Hessian police, you must first have a few basic requirements. A high school diploma, a minimum size of 1,55 meters, no criminal record and a maximum age of 36 years sometimes.

“We lag a bit behind”

The September hoped-for 500 new hires, you will not reach. “When we arrived up there at 400, that’s good,” said Wittig. “We are lagging behind a bit.”