These days, smartphones and tablets have become extremely useful tools for learning. While students are busy studying, teachers are looking for new ways to engage them in class. Smartphones and tablets are great alternatives to boring lecture notes and books. They offer instant access to knowledge and help us study without having to spend hours digging through piles of textbooks and papers. This article lists some of the benefits of using gadgets in learning.

Improves overall student performance

A study conducted by John Wiley & Sons found that the average student’s IQ increases by 10 points when they use a tablet or mobile device during their studies compared with when they don’t use it. The reason for this is simple: A majority of learners rely on information from their gadgets when they’re studying. Without these devices, they tend not to perform as well.

Boosts memory capacity

Memory is one important element of cognitive ability. You need to be able to remember things whether you are reading a book, watching TV or playing games. When people use cell phones and other gadgets while doing these activities, they find it easier to memorize more quickly because all they need to do is focus on what they hear instead of trying to read the text at the same time.

Eases stress

Today, every school in America has an iPad in its library which gives students access to thousands of educational apps designed specifically for students’ needs. For those who are stressed out about exams, there are several apps to help students get rid of stress and stay focused. Such apps include BreakOut and StayFocusd. You can also use them while learning how online casinos work.

Helps students learn faster

The best way to boost your child’s academic performance is to provide him with a smartphone or tablet so he can take advantage of these amazing features. If you want your kid to score higher grades, make sure he uses his smartphone or tablet to research, write, or even create projects related to what he’s learning.


Smartphone and tablet users can prove beneficial to any kind of learning process. If students are given proper guidance, educators will be able to tap into the power of such technology to enhance their teaching methods.